10 Tips to Fast-track Your React Js Learning

Every front-end developer and web developer understands how inconvenient and painful it is to write the same code multiple times. If they need to add a button to various pages, they must use a lot of code. Other frameworks force developers to rework most of their code, even when creating frequently changing components. Developers desired a framework or library to break down complex components and reuse code to complete projects quickly. This is where React comes in and solves the problem.

The most popular javascript library for creating user interfaces is React. It is quick, adaptable, and has a large online community to assist you at all times.

The cool part about React is it’s based on elements, so you can break down your complex code into individual components, i.e. elements, which helps developers organise their code better. Many companies are migrating to React, and as a result, most new and experienced developers are continuing to expand their knowledge and learn this library.

Learning how to use this library is a difficult challenge. You watch a lot of tutorials and try to get the best content to gain knowledge of this library, but it can be overwhelming if you don’t know the right path or step-by-step process. We will go over a road map for getting started with React and the foundational prerequisites (checklist) for diving into React.

Let’s get this party started.


10 tips for accelerating your react js learning

Understand the proper amount of JavaScript and ES6

It’s tempting to dive right into a framework, but you have to walk until you can run, right? I’m sure you’re sick of hearing it! Another thing you’ve probably heard a million times is, “you need to know JavaScript before actually learning a framework! While this recommendation is correct, it raises an additional, commonly unanswerable question.”How much JavaScript would I need to know before I can learn React?”
When I taught myself React three years ago, I was anything but a JavaScript expert. But I did know a few things that you should know before diving into React.
You’ll have a better go at React if you have a basic understanding of how these things work. Collaborating with React will make us better JavaScript programmers because you’ll still be working on JavaScript – after all, React is a JavaScript library!

Make use of create-react-app

Unless you are just getting started with React and would like to focus on tutorial videos rather than configuration, I suggest using Create React App to generate all of the boilerplate you have to begin.
Create React App will most likely not include the level of custom setup you require later on, but when you do, you can “eject” the project, giving the user control over build stages.

Learn how to use Hook, State

We can use the useState hook to hold state in a factor (previously, we needed a class component). We could also change the variable’s name with setName() and initialise it with the useState feature (in this case, “Chris”).

The useState hook streamlines the management of complex states (we can also have “numerous state hooks” per component) and eliminates the need to use “this” every time we would like to work with the state.

Ignore Redux, Context API, and other fancy State Management Tools.

Talking of buzzwords, you may have heard of Redux, a React state management framework. While Redux is excellent and valuable for larger apps, you don’t need to learn it when getting started with React! React has state management capabilities that are easier to comprehend than enough to get you started.

Concentrate on functional components

Traditionally, if you wanted to shop state in a component, you had to use an ES6 class component. Class components are a little clumsy (worrying about binding “this,” dealing with construction companies, storing/updating complex states, and so on).
Hooks and function components are becoming the “nicer” method to develop react components. Function components are nothing more than regular JavaScript features that return JSX. These, in conjunction with the “useState” hook, make creating and continuing to work with elements a much more pleasant experience.
I’m not saying “avoid class components!”; if you want to learn them, by all means, do so! It will be helpful information to have. However, things are shifting in favour of Hooks, so don’t overlook them!

Acquaint yourself with the useEffect hook.

The useEffect claw is a React hook that allows us to run code at various stages of a component’s lifecycle.
is is typically used to make API calls, update one component if the props alter, and operate any cleanup code.
The useEffect and useState hooks can help you solve various problems, so keep them in your arsenal of React understanding!

Propositions vs State

Understanding what props, states, and when to use each will be critical. These are the foundations of React, and you’ll be using them frequently. At the highest level:

Props are data that your components receive from their parent. This information could be anything, including numbers, string instruments, artefacts, arrays, functions, and so on.

Ignore the server; instead, use fictitious data or existing APIs.

It’s tempting to think, “Damn, I need to build an API for this!” when practising fetching data from an API. I guess I’ll have to learn Node.js!” Doesn’t that make sense? If you’re starting to learn React, it’s usually best to concentrate solely on React.
If you want to be a full-stack developer, this is an excellent place to start. However, if you want to learn React, try using existing APIs or sneer data to practise working with an API. This helps you stay focused on React (I’m a big fan of learning one task at a time!)

Avoid using other frameworks.

This is a common blunder I see newcomers make (including myself). There are numerous frameworks, and we believe we must learn them all for some purpose! However, we do not. I’ve yet to come across a job posting that states, “Should have React, Vue, and Angle experience” – if I did, I’d pass.

Focus on React if you’re learning it. Whatever framework you choose, aim to concentrate on it until you can at least build a few projects with it. You can always perform with the others if you want, and you may even think to yourself, “Hey, I like Vue better!” and shift your focus to that.

Understand the life cycle and how a component is rendered.

Understanding the React life span and how/when a component re-renders. I’ve squandered many hours bug-fixing because I don’t understand this stuff fully! Here are some pointers to get you started:

  • When the state of a material change, React will re-render the element.
  • When an aspect re-renders, it also re-renders its kids.
  • Use useEffect() to execute code at specific points in the entire life cycle.

Bottom Line

Thank you for staying with me. This was a lengthy article. I wish I could have written a post titled “How to Learn React in 5 Easy Steps,” but that’s not how it works. There is a lot to learn, and it never stops. It’s something I enjoy about software design, but it can be stressful at times.

If you’ve landed on a React project and feel like you’ve been thrown in the deep end, don’t give up. React will help you advance your career more than almost any other Javascript. React has a large, active, and helpful community. Keep going and have fun with that as well.

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